Monday, July 25, 2011

What's going on

Finally finished with my summer semester of school, and it was a doozy!  So, far I have gotten one grade back and it was an A!  Yay!  There is about a month until fall and hopefully I will find something fun to get into. I will keep you posted.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Movies watched in June 2011

Since watching movies is one of my favorite things, I decided to post which movies I watched last month.  It is actually much shorter than I would like, but I have been really busy with schoolwork. 

The Girl That Played with Fire 6/1/11  
Howl 6/2/11
Carrie 6/3/11  (1952 version)
Deadline 6/5/11
Murnau, Borzage, and Fox 6/12/11  
Cyrus 6/12/11  
Rocket Science  6/13/11  
Carrie 6/14/11  (Stephen King version)
Our Family Wedding 6/18/11  
A River Runs Through It  6/18/11  
Lake City 6/19/11  
Luther  6/20/11  
Twilight in Forks  6/21/11  
Lust, Caution 6/22/11  
Suspiscion 6/24/11  
The Girl that Kicked the Hornet’s Nest  6/25/11  
Girl With a Pearl Earring 6/28/11

Friday, July 1, 2011

Goals for July 2011

Since today is the first day of a new month, I decided that it would be a good time to set some goals.  Most of these goals have been set for awhile, but I thought it would be a good idea to put them down on paper, er, computer.  Anyway, here is my list of goals for July. Many of these are ongoing and will continue to be my goals for every month, but I find it reassuring to have them out for all the world to see.  Later I will post my long term goals for the rest of the year.

Goals for July 2011

School Related
1.      Get financial aid straight
2.      Get school projects finished early, to work more
3.      Finish reading school texts
4.      Get all classes for fall
5.      Buy books

Money Related
1.      Pay on student loans (currently in deferment) UH first
2.      Pay off credit card
3.      Put more money in savings
4.      Spend LESS!
5.      Put more books on
6.      Flea market booth

Work Related
1.      Work more (after all assignments are complete, unless desperate!)
2.      Find way to earn extra money, possibly online
3.      Look for library job

1.      Read more
2.      Visit Blisse and future nephew, Charlie
3.      Start exercising
4.      Call and email family members more often
5.      Keep up with personal blog
6.      Go through and purge belongings

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wish Lists......

I don't know about you, but I have always wanted to create a gift registry.  The thought of running around a store and zapping items I want other people to buy me seemed like so much fun.  But, unfortunately, I have not have a chance to do so.  Normally, this experience has been limited to people getting married or having babies.  But, NO MORE!  There is now something called a Wish List.  It's like the gift registry for singles!  Ok, married people can use it too, but they already had their turn.  Pretty much every store, from Target,to Walmart, to Bed Bath and Beyond
and Neiman Marcus, all have a wish list, which is where customers can list items they want, and email them to friends and family.  Think about it!  Never getting an unwanted birthday or Christmas gift again!  Yeah right.  I do like the idea, but will probably never use it.  Don't get me wrong.  I love the idea.  But, I think my favorite part of registries is getting the gifts for others.  I am a huge gift giver.  I love  printing out the registry for a friend and going down the different aisles to see what they desire.  And picking out what I want to get them.  And having it checked off their list.  That is the most fun for me.

 Although, I think maybe this all boils down to my obsession with lists of all kinds and checking things off of them.  Hmmm.........

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Driving Me Crazy

It has been almost a month since I began this blog, and I have been extremely neglectful of it.  I had all these ideas about detailing my life (like anyone would really care) and reviewing the books I read and movies I watched.  And none of that has happened so far.  What has happened is that I have been bogged down with schoolwork and trying to make my lazy self actually keep up with it.  I haven't been reading much for pleasure, just mostly school stuff, although I am almost finished with my school reading.  Every day, I do try to read a little bit from The Count of Monte Cristo, although I am not at all far enough along in it as I would like. So, as this summer semester comes to an end (in roughly 3-4 weeks), I have resolved to read at least, but no more than, 1 hour of pleasure reading every day, until I press the "send" button on my last assignment.  Then all bets are off.  I will be a book reading and movie watching monster, until fall semester starts.  Until then, it's an hour a day.  I hope it's enough to finish Monte Cristo by July 5, because that is when it is due back to the library.  I also promise to update more often, so you can really see what I am all about.  Ta ta for now!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Here We Go

I was given an assignment in one of my classes, and was not entirely comfortable with it.  It was to create a blog, and blog about two separate library related blogs.  Since I have no idea what I am doing, I figured I would start a personal one also, just to practice and play with.
  Let me start off by saying, my name is Misty, and I am a graduate student in Library Science.  This is my first semester in the program, and most of my classes are online, so I don't exactly know what is going on.
I figured this blog could be a place for me to rant and rave, and generally go on and on about my life.  Since I spend most of my time reading or watching movies, I will probably be posting some reviews, which will hardly be professional, so beware!